Lucas Schellenberg
Global Managing Partner at H.I.E.C
Lucas Schellenberg is Global Managing Partner and co-owner of H.I. Executive Consulting (H.I.E.C), a leading global executive search firm focused on recruiting and hiring board members, CEOs and senior executives worldwide. HIEC was founded with the goal of disrupting the traditional approach to executive search by placing a premium focus on hiring transformational leaders to scale and win in the digitized economy.
Before HIEC, Lucas was the Global Leader of Private Equity, Family Offices and Family Business at Stanton Chase, where he also headed the Global Technology Practice Group prior to leading the Logistics and Transformation Practice group until the end of 2012. He has extensive experience in Executive Search, with his main areas of expertise including Family Businesses, Corporate Finance, Consumer Goods, Supply Chain Logistics, and Industrial 4.0.
Lucas thinks and acts beyond the analog, anticipating change to recruit only the best digital talents. His personal focus is Private Equity, Venture Capital and Family Office clients and their Digital & Technology and Tech-Enabled Services portfolio companies. Furthermore, Lucas Schellenberg is on numerous boards and advisory boards of Digital & Technology companies and advises them on key personnel decisions.