Impressions from our event: Transforming Businesses with Data & AI for Portfolio Companies

With +50 tech, digital, and AI experts, industry pioneers, and leading investors at our Munich headquarters, we discussed how companies can move from theory to tangible business impact when it comes to AI solutions.

Transforming Businesses with Data & AI for Portfolio Companies

During our Transforming Businesses with Data & AI for Portfolio Companies co-hosted with AWS, we provided a platform for keynotes, dedicated networking sessions, and an expert panel around the transformative potential of AI. Although widely discussed, only a small fraction of European companies are actively deploying AI solutions. Especially given that Exit Readiness remains a high priority for Private Equity companies, every business must have a "data and AI" story to tell, with proof points through pilots and attractive use cases.

The event, which took place on September 18th, 2024, gathered 50+ tech, digital, AI, and Private Equity experts at our Munich Headquarters for inspiring conversations and networking sessions. In addition to Keynotes from Matthias Patzak (AWS Enterprise Strategist, AWS) and Dirk Eisenberg (CTO, STP Group), our event also featured an expert panel session on the practical applications of AI and Generative AI featuring Salini Nair Avanupurath (SA Manager, AWS), Evan Canfield (Principal Private Equity Business Development, AWS), Dominik Mühl (Partner, Marondo), and Christian Brugger (Partner Data & AI, OMMAX).

Want to learn more? Keep reading to dive into our key takeaways and impressions from the event!

Bridging the gap: Our key takeaways from the event

  • Prioritize value: Focus on business-driven use cases. Successful AI pilots demonstrate business impact, not just technical feasibility.

  • Leadership matters: AI should be a company-wide priority, led by top management—not just a small expert group. Leaders need to get out of the office, understand customer needs, and think backwards from business problems. AI should solve real issues with scalable solutions.

  • Embrace failure: Innovation requires taking risks and accepting failure. Cultivate a culture that learns from missteps to drive success.

  • Prototype fast: Ship quickly and iterate based on user feedback for solutions that truly deliver value.

  • Think big, start small: Implement high-impact, scalable solutions. Launch pilots to gain momentum and organizational buy-in.

  • Innovative Products over Internal Use Cases: Avoid limiting AI to internal tools like PowerPoint or emails. Instead, use AI to create innovative products and services that drive new revenue streams, tap into new customer segments, and fuel business growth. 

  • IP Protection Concerns: One of the biggest concerns for C-level executives is IP protection and data security. Today’s LLM (large language models) technology can ensure that a company’s intellectual property can be protected, with strict control over who accesses information—even within the organization.

AI is an essential value driver throughout the holding period of private equity investments. From due diligence (assessing risks and opportunities) to full potential value creation and exit readiness, AI shapes a compelling equity story by activating data for business value.

While AI's potential is widely acknowledged, only 12% of German SMEs are deploying AI solutions. What’s holding them back?

+80% of companies reinventing or transforming their organizations have accelerated their efforts due to GenAI.

What our guests are saying

"Congratulations on a well-executed event! The speakers and topics were highly relevant, and the opportunity to connect with peers in the AI and Private Equity space was greatly appreciated."

"Thanks again for the outstanding event and hospitality, I had many inspiring conversations with the guests and speakers"

"A big thank you for hosting such an engaging session yesterday. The panel and keynotes were top-notch"

Impressions from the event

Discover our AI kick-starter workshop

Workshop Agenda

The agenda below shows our typical workshop structure, including preparation and post-workshop follow-up. This program is then customized to your specific needs and team structure:

  • Pre-workshop (1 week ahead): OMMAX AI questionnaire about key business processes and the technological setup

  • 9.00 – 10.30: Background explanations by OMMAX experts regarding current AI developments and industry-specific potentials and risks; Q&A session

  • 10.30 – 12.00: Ideation Phase 1: Along the value chain, gathering of potential use cases together with domain experts

  • 13.00 – 14.00: Ideation Phase 2: Initial discussion of the use cases and their potential, with expert input from OMMAX

  • 14.00 – 17.00: Detailed use case assessment based on established OMMAX frameworks, narrowing down to the 2-4 most important immediate actions

  • Post-workshop: Aggregation of findings and definition of next steps with initial timeline and resource estimate by OMMAX

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Want to elevate your AI capabilities and shift gears from strategy to implementation? Get in touch with our experts!